Coronavirus (COVID-19) is represented by the red & yellow awareness ribbon. When you look at coronavirus under a microscope you see the viral particles are colored yellow as it emerges from the surface of a cell colored red. People of all ages can be infected by the corona virus, but older people and people with pre-existing medical conditions are the most vulnerable. That is why social distancing is so important in slowing the curve of the number of people who are infected. Use these red and yellow awareness ribbon bracelets and pins to promote support for those currently infected or at high risk of contracting this disease. Our bracelets, pins and other items can also be used at health fairs, memorials, funerals and more to show support. The best use of our products is to resell the items for fundraising and donate the funds to various organizations that help people who have been affected by corona virus. Whether paying medical bills, or other bills there is never a better time to start helping to raise funds.