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8 Ways to Involve Your Small Business in Breast Cancer Awareness Month

by karen conroy on September 27, 2021

It’s almost October! That means it’s almost Breast Cancer Awareness month and it’s time for all of us to take a second look at how breast cancer has touched our lives. It is also a great time to participate in fundraisers for Susan G. Komen and other organizations that support breast cancer research.  Chances are you know at least one person whose life has been affected by breast cancer. If you want some real numbers, you are about 15 times more likely to know someone who has dealt with breast cancer than you are to be audited by the IRS. You are also about 375 times more likely to know someone who has been touched by the disease than you are to get struck by lightning. Breast cancer sticks its head into so many lives, it’s why so many are eager to raise funds for treatment and research. If you own a small business, there are a lot of ways for you to help raise awareness and join in fundraising.

8 Ways to Raise Breast Cancer Awareness

Wear Pink Ribbons

Wearing pink ribbons is a simple way to show your support for Breast Cancer Awareness month. Your employees can wear them, or you can pass them out to customers who visit your establishment. You may provide employees with pink ribbon pins and pass out pink ribbon stickers for customers to wear.

Host a Fundraising Exercise Class

Work with a local yoga studio or gym to host an exercise class that promotes health and wellness. Provide healthy refreshments. Use for fundraising by charging a nominal fee so that the proceeds can go toward your chosen charity.

Host a Pink Bag Lunch

You’ve heard of a brown bag lunch but turn it into a pink bag lunch fundraiser. Have everyone bring their own lunch. Invite a speaker from a local health care facility to present information on breast cancer. Charge a small fee to raise money for your favorite breast cancer charity. You can also hand out pink ribbon bracelets or hats.

Form a Company 5K Team

During October, many cities host a Susan G. Komen race. Form a team from your business to compete in a local 5K race that has a huge impact on breast cancer research. Create matching t-shirts with a pink ribbon on them or have your company name in pink embroidered on the shirts.

Eat and Drink Pink

If you own an eating establishment or a bar, add a special pink drink or dessert to your menu during Breast Cancer Awareness month. Also, allow customers the opportunity to donate to the nonprofit. Set up a jar for donations or allow them to add a donation to their bill.

Pay to Wear Jeans Day

A lot of businesses allow employees to make a donation to a cancer charity and in exchange, they get to dress in t-shirt and jeans for a designated day.

Girls Night Out or In

Sponsor a one-time fundraising ladies-only event. Keep it fun with a make-up demo, group meditation, or a healthy cooking class. Determine a fee for the event that will go to a women’s charity, or for breast cancer research. Ask participants to donate the money they would have spent had they gone out for a night.

Promote Mammograms

Check with local hospitals and link up with them for breast cancer awareness. Together you can offer an event where women can get mammograms during a certain time frame. Ask them how your business can be involved. Help pass out fliers and volunteer to work the event. You may choose to provide refreshments at the event and hand out pink freebies.


Get Your Breast Cancer Awareness Pink!

It is easy for a small business to help spread awareness about breast cancer. There are many ways to help make a difference during Breast Cancer Awareness month. Check out the side range of pink available at Fundraising for a Cause. Let us help you make your fundraiser a success and make a difference for women everywhere.